Join the Alamo Chapter (Become an Old Goat)

Membership in the Alamo Chapter is divided into 4 categories: Honorary, Regular, and Associate.

HONORARY. Individuals who have rendered outstanding and conspicuous service to the Naval Service, the United States Naval Academy, and the Armed Forces of the United States may be nominated for honorary membership. Names may be submitted to the Board by any regular member and, when nominated by that body, may be approved by two thirds of all regular members present and voting at any regular meeting of the Chapter. Honorary members will have all rights and privileges of the Chapter, except those of voting and of holding office. Honorary members, who are also eligible for regular membership, shall have all rights and privileges of a regular member without reservation. (Article IV, par 4, by-laws). Normally, honorary members will have dues waived upon recommendation of the Board of Directors. Honorary Membership is also granted to members of graduating classes 60 years and greater from the current year.

REGULAR. Any person who has been sworn as a Midshipman for the full and regular course prescribed by the Academic Board for his/her class at the U.S. Naval Academy shall be eligible for regular membership in the Chapter upon the graduation of that class. (Article IV, Par 1). Dues for Regular Members are currently $25 per year.

GEOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATE. In addition to regular membership noted in paragraph 1. and in recognition of the geographical expanse of the area of influence of the Alamo Chapter, a membership classification of Geographic Associate is created. Alumni qualifying for this classification are those having zip codes in the following groups: 779XX, 783XX, 784XX, 785XX, 786XX and 788XX. Members in this category will have all rights and privileges of our regular members as delineated in paragraph 1. (Article IV, Par 1a). Dues for Geographic Associate members are currently $10 per year.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. Any regular or reserve officer, active or retired, of the U.S. Armed Forces, and any active or retired member of the civilian faculty of the U.S. Naval Academy, or spouses of those eligible for regular or associate membership, shall be eligible for associate membership in the Chapter. Associate members will have all the rights and privileges of the chapter, except those of voting and holding office. Eligibility of associate members shall be approved by two thirds of the regular members present and voting at any regular meeting of the Chapter (Article IV, Par 2, by-laws). Dues for Associate members are currently $12.50 per year.

The membership year shall runs January through December. Annual dues are payable at the beginning of each membership year. Annual dues may be pro-rated to one half on a semi annual basis, July through December. The annual dues shall be set by the Board, and may not exceed $35.00. Spouses of deceased regular members who are, or are accepted as, associate members will pay dues at one half the annual assessment. Dues for honorary members may be waived by a vote of the Council (Article IX, Par 1, by-laws).




You can now join or renew your membership online using the link below.

Send your check to our Chapter, along with this Membership Form
For information send e-mail